Kelby Dominates Computer Book Sales

Posted on February 7, 2005

Nielsen Bookscan data for the 2004 calendar year indicates that Scott Kelby is the top-selling computer book author in the U.S. Kelby, who is President of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals, is widely recognized as a bestselling Photoshop how-to book author, but he has also written how-to books on Windows XP, MS Office and iTunes. Kelby published a total of 16 titles in 2003 and 2004 combined, including the industry's top-selling digital photography titles The Adobe Photoshop CS Book for Digital Photographers and The Photoshop Elements 3 Book for Digital Photographers. Kelby's The Adobe Photoshop CS Book for Digital Photographers, in addition to being number one in the market, outsold all other computer books by more than 5 percent. Overall, Kelby held 21 percent of the entire Photoshop book market in 2004. The busy Scott Kelby is also the editor of three magazines: Mac Design Magazine, Photoshop User and Capture User.

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