Lose Weight Like Oprah Does

Posted on March 5, 2005

Everyone has seen how fabulous Oprah looks after her weight loss and the man who started it all is fitness trainer and all-around nice guy Bob Greene. Now his latest book, Bob Greene's Total Body Makeover: An Accelerated Program of Exercise and Nutrition for Maximum Results in Minimum Time (Simon & Schuster), is selling like gangbusters. Greene appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show on Valentine's Day, and teamed up with McDonald's to promote healthy eating. Through April, McDonald's is offering a coupon to get 60% Greene's book by ordering it through his website. The coupon and a fitness brochure are available at McDonald's restaurants now. Greene's new program takes 12 weeks, and covers the physcial aspects of eating and exercising, but also covers the psychological aspects of dieting. He tells Amazon.com:

There's no doubt that Total Body Makeover is a more aggressive approach. I want to push the reader and challenge their capabilities. I want the participant to achieve results more quickly and avoid the loss of motivation that sometimes occurs when one loses weight via exercise and eating in moderation. My programs are often compared to programs that use dieting or restrictive eating as their focus. You really can't make this comparison since, in my opinion, you can't get a "total body makeover" by dieting alone. By dieting alone, not only are you avoiding the health, fitness and aesthetic benefits that exercise provides, you also set yourself up for failure since your metabolism slows in direct proportion to the amount of calories that you cut out.

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