Paris Hilton Gets Hacked

Posted on February 20, 2005

Will it never end? La Hilton, the bestselling author of that classic work, Confessions of an Heiress, has once again landed right on her derriere in the spotlight. Only this time, lots of her celebrity friends are hopping mad, as we say in Texas. Someone hacked Paris' T-mobile cellphone address book and hit the motherlode. Celebrity emails and private phone numbers are out there for all to see now. Want Vin Diesel's number? It's in there. How about Christina Aguilera's? It's in there, too.

But it gets better. All her party pix are online too. Paris with a camera phone -- it's just too bizarre. Paris with Burt Reynolds, Paris with a skunk, Paris with Nicole, Paris topless -- yes, the pictures are all stored on her T-mobile sidekick. We were going to prank call Eminem, but we got sidetracked by a return email from Fred Durst. Really.

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