The Da Vinci Code Opens Today

Posted on May 19, 2006

The much-awaited film version of Dan Brown's bestseller The Da Vinci Code opens in wide release today. Author Dan Brown attended the Cannes Film Festival and posed for photos with the film's director, Ron Howard, and its stars, Tom Hanks and Audrey Tatou.

So far, the reaction from critics has been mixed: but Roger Ebert gives it a Thumbs Up, so that's good enough for us. What's interesting about the reviews is that the critics who hated the film mention how much they hated the book, which leads one to wonder: if you hated the book so much, why are you seeing the film? Surely another reviewer at your publication would have taken the job? The other criticism of the film we've read is that it's intellectual: you have to follow the clues and codes to discover the secret. But that's what we liked about the book! You have to actually think about the plot.

Roger Friedman (who liked the film) compared the two leads to Mulder and Scully on an episode of the X-Files (which we also loved.)

The more we read, the more we can't wait to leave the office to head to the theater!

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